NewMind.env.excursion = [ { "product_key": 1787, "prodtype_id": "ATTR", "product_name": "Lancaster Castle", "topcategory_id": "casfort", "topcategory_key": 35, "eastings": 347406, "northings": 461796, "latitude": 54.04944, "longitude": -2.80476, "bookable": false, "address4": "Lancaster", "address5": "Lancashire", "min_price": 0, "gradings": [ { "grading_key": 1024, "name": "VAQAS VB Attraction", "grade_id": "VBATTR", "grade_code": "vatt", "grade_image": "", "topcategory_id": "casfort", "vb_category_id": "casfort", "grade_designator_id": null, "grade_designator": null, "mingrading": 1, "maxgrading": 1, "grade_number": 1 } ], "categories": [ 35, 75, 82, 622 ],"tripadvisorrating": 4.5 , "detail_link": "/things-to-do/lancaster-castle-p1787", "info": "

Lancaster Castle


Steeped in almost 1000 years of history including the trials of the Pendle Witches and the Birmingham Six, Lancaster Castle is one of the most important historic monuments in the North West. Come and visit the old cells, Shire Hall and Crown Court.

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