NewMind.env.excursion = [ { "product_key": 1103520, "prodtype_id": "EVEN", "product_name": "Twisted Circus!", "topcategory_id": "chil", "topcategory_key": 149, "eastings": 347992, "northings": 461821, "latitude": 54.04972, "longitude": -2.79581, "bookable": false, "address4": "Lancaster", "address5": "Lancashire", "min_price": null, "gradings": [ ], "categories": [ 149 ] , "detail_link": "/whats-on/twisted-circus-p1103520", "info": "

Twisted Circus!


Family Fiesta presents
Twisted Circus!
Hosted by the amazingly talented Cequin Circus team!

Looking for something different to entertain your family this May half term?!

Round up your kids final half term before the summer break with a fantastic afternoon of live performances, workshops and…

\r\n" } ]