NewMind.env.excursion = [ { "product_key": 1792, "prodtype_id": "ATTR", "product_name": "Lancaster Priory & Parish Church", "topcategory_id": "abbpri", "topcategory_key": 56, "eastings": 347331, "northings": 461938, "latitude": 54.05071, "longitude": -2.80593, "bookable": false, "address4": "Lancaster", "address5": "Lancashire", "min_price": 0, "gradings": [ { "grading_key": 1024, "name": "VAQAS VB Attraction", "grade_id": "VBATTR", "grade_code": "vatt", "grade_image": "", "topcategory_id": "abbpri", "vb_category_id": "churchap", "grade_designator_id": null, "grade_designator": null, "mingrading": 1, "maxgrading": 1, "grade_number": 1 } ], "categories": [ 45, 56, 75, 472, 622 ] , "detail_link": "/things-to-do/lancaster-priory-and-parish-church-p1792", "info": "

Lancaster Priory & Parish Church


The 15th Century Priory and Parish Church of Lancaster standing by the Castle on the hill, is built on the site of a priory, which was founded in 1094. The FIG Tree @ The Priory cafe sells a range of snacks and use Fair Trade ingredients where possible.

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